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NMM in Copenhagen 21-23 august 2024

The 33th Nordic Meteorologist Meeting (NMM) was hosted by the Danish Meteorological Society on the 21-23 august 2024 in Copenhagen,

More than 50 registred participants from most nordic countries participated. 

The program can be found here

Day 1: Venue at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI): Sankt Kjelds Plads 11, Copenhagen.

Topic areas:


-Polar meteorology and climate (morning)

-Climate: attribution and services (afternoon)


After the afternoon session a poster session will be held and an icebreaker event.

Day 2: Venue at the premises of Royal Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35.

Topic areas:


-Forecasting (NWP) including dissemination (morning)

-AI in forecasting and climate (afternoon)


A break will be arranged in the afternoon for possible sightseeing activity in central Copenhagen,

e.g. at the famous New Carlsberg Glyptoteque nearby (self-paid). In the evening a free

conference Dinner will be held at the Royal Academy of Sciences.


Day 3: Venue at the Danish Technical Univ. DTU Risø Campus, Frederiksborgvej 399 in Roskilde.

Topic areas:


-Energy Meteorology (morning)

-Panel discussion on selected topics (afternoon)

-A tour de Risø Campus in sub-groups to be arranged (afternoon)

Organizing committee:

Kristian Pagh Nielsen (

Sven-Erik Gryning ( )

Eigil kaas ( )

Bent Hansen Sass ( )

Andreas Nyholm ( )

Skærmbillede 2023-11-23 kl. 18.41.01.png

We host NMM at 3 venues

We will host the NMM at 3 different venues situated around Copenhagen.

Danish National Meteorological Institute in Copenha will be one of them.

Modesal_spot_nye medlemmer_2021.jpg

The Royal Danish Academy of Science

We have booked a day at the Royal Danish Academy of science historic venues in central Copenhagen. 


DTU Risø Campus in Roskilde 

One of the 3 days, we will visit DTU Risø near Copenhagen.

We will visit the new Wind tunnel where storm force gale can be experien

cvr: 32634044

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